This study delves into findings of the role of television on Educating the Public on the Preventive measures against the spread of corona virus in Nigeria using National Television Authority as a case study. The study used Social Responsibility theory and Agenda Setting Theory to review literature related to this study.The study adopted the survey research design and simple random sampling was used to select the respondent.A total of 47 responses was derived validated from staffs of National Television Authority(NTA) Lagos branch. Findings from the study revealed that NTA has been effective in educating the public on the preventive measures of corona virus which has helped in curbing the spread of the novel disease.The study therefore recommends that NTA should maintain the tempo of daily awareness programme on “Corona Virus Disease” and improve in her efficiency.More so other agencies and parastatal, both Governmental Organizations and Non – Governmental Organizations should enhance and sponsor awareness programme of disease outbreaks in the country.
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